아이디 비밀번호 로그인 | 회원가입

가람누리 (mymirror)
안녕하세요! 나의거울에 오신것을 환영합니다!
It's Chusok ...
좋은 글들이네요. 동...
의미있는 삶을 살아가는...
서로가 서로를 관계 맺...
그런거구나...... ...
지혜림 나연실
아름다운 세상
언제나 처음처럼...
달리는 큰법당
맑은하늘의 생각 나누기
영어로 세계불교 간다
작성자   비밀번호   홈페이지
묘경 2009.03.03 13:03:13
2009년 첫 글을 남겨봅니다.
같은 거울이어서 더 정감이 가네요.
세레나 2008.01.08 00:47:06
Hi 무욕님^^
Am dropping by to say Happy New Year 2008! Hope am not being too late to greet! ^^
For your information, I just got back from 1 month vacation back in my hometown in Malaysia. I also visited Combodia the Angkor Wat, SIngapore and Batam Island the Smiley Buddha Temple. I will upload lots of photos step by step! Come and see them on and off, but not yet now....am going to bed now^^ Good night and sweet dream ()
세레나 2007.10.24 14:34:19
Hello 무욕님...^^
Thank you for your friendliness too.
And how do you like the fall season? Nice isn't it?
By the way...what does it mean by 무욕? Is that mean Mirror?
I'm just wondering.
And here's up north...Bucheon last weekend I visit Pusoksa in YongJu!
I stayed there for whole weekend and I really had a quality time with great people there.
Have a good time for the rest of the day _()_
Hope to hear from you again at my home, too *^^* wouldn't you?
가람누리 2007.11.01 16:43:01
hi~ I think so! I like fall because the weather is cool & autumnal tints ...
By the way~ 무욕 is "No greed"
oh~ Congratulation! At last in 수도권?
My office is in the Koyang! Near the Bucheon!
Call me for tea sometime! Have a good time and Have a good season~
달리는 큰법당 2007.10.17 04:01:20
무욕 님!
안녕하세요! 우리 블로그마을에 오신것을 환영합니다!

불교방송 청취해보세요.
가람누리 2007.10.18 09:10:59
네 항상 출퇴근시에 즐겨듣고 있습니다!
묘경 2007.10.16 19:02:46
이웃이 되었습니다.
좋은 하루되세요.
가람누리 2007.10.18 09:10:37
넵 감사합니다~ 두손모아 합장~

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