세레나 (lifekarma) |
함께 배우는 영어 세계불교
(World Buddhism)
(영주 부석사 소속으로 그리고
영국에있는:A Ray of Hope UNESCO 위한사이트)
"The Lord Buddha
Is Our Refuge"
2014. 1.16 새벽에...
오늘새벽에 저의 모친 영원히 먼 극락으로 떠나셨습니다....
This dawn around 2:28am....my loving mom left this world for good. After my 11 days visiting and the 11th day I got returned from visiting her...now all are gone. Above all really appreciate her for waiting for me to be back...during my 11 days stayed we both really had lots of precious and meaningful time. At last I could see her the other hand was waving to me...it seemed really time to say goodbye forever. I felt sad to say goodbye and even sad that I won't be able to see her again. Now it is time to accept the fact. Yet can feel it is reality. Since she had told me several times...wanted me not to go back to Malaysia if she passed away. She just asked me to stay with her for two more days. Very sorry for being too far away mom. I just got back from Pryaying for her at the temple with my two children . My prayers, my friends and all around the world who I've known are praying for you, Mom. I love you too. Namu Animtabul...()()()
2014.02.15 01:09:21
Namu ami ta bul, Kwanse- eum- bosal!!! _(())_
2014.09.01 21:56:30 |